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Peru is a country worth being discovered by every one. RAMAS is based in Lima, the capital of this multicultural and diverse country. From one area you may see luxury living, yet in the distance see small homes built on the hillsides. People moving to the city from the Amazon Jungles and Andean Highlands are creating over-crowded slums and hillsides. Though the areas are beautifully modern, the people bring their cultural diversity to remind you of their history. 

Outside of the city, Peru is rich in Amazon Rainforests with wooden thatched roofed homes, and Andes Mountains with adobe style homes. Each area has high poverty percentages due to the lack of access to the areas in rain seasons. 

Peru is etched with Incan heritage, and Spain's influence. The people are welcoming, and love where they come from. They have many things to teach the Western world about hospitality, country pride, love, and perseverance.   

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